Dotnetix SafEye Collision Avoidance System


Dotnetix SafEye Collision Avoidance

Are you worried that your collision avoidance system cannot handle the complexities of your operation? Are you tired of constant false alarms or system reliability increasing risk?

DotNetix SafEye uses artificial intelligence to accurately detect objects and risk in highly mobile environments. Not only does it understand the difference between people and vehicles, but it can assign a risk profile to take direct action and stop your machine before the interaction occurs.

DotNetix has been leading the development of intelligent long range camera systems for industrial applications through innovative technologies. DotNetix is committed to increasing the safety of workers in their working environments whether operating in mining, industrial or construction.

The cost of an accident to any business is severe. DotNetix’s object detection machine vision reduces risk where machines and pedestrians interact. The SAFEYE system drastically reduces fatalities and injuries on industrial sites.

  • Forward Collision Warning
  • Accurate range detection of all objects
  • Dynamic zones via speed interface
  • Pedestrian, livestock and vehicle detection
  • Object and following distance monitoring
  • No interference from other radars or Lidar
  • Hydrophobic coating that repels water and dust
  • Incident video logs
  • Object detection using Deep Neural Networks
  • Can be trained to detect custom objects
  • Accurate range measurements using 3D camera sensors
  • Dynamic zones for vehicle control (Braking)
  • Voice alerts for easy understanding in various languages
  • 3D Image object detection
  • Dotnetix SafEye Collision Avoidance

  • No need for pedestrian tags
  • Great for contractors for multiple sites
  • Low cost of ownership
  • Easy to install
  • Up-to 150 meter detection range – Forward Detection
  • Up-to 20 meter detection range – Rear Detection
  • Can be customised to your requirements
  • Low latency
  • Accurate results
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